Paper Butterfly Sanctuary April 30, 2018 By Tami Sharing is caring! 9 shares Share Tweet Pin Spring has sprung! Celebrate the warmer weather with a roomful of cheery paper butterflies. Get the instructions for ––> Paper Butterfly Sanctuary
Holly says March 18, 2012 at 11:34 am Wow,,what a pretty hallway to walk through! These are great,colorful,fun and easy.Lucy and Owen did a super job on this craft. I love the way Owen decided to recycle and use the cutouts for his decorations on the butterflies!Smart boy!
Wow,,what a pretty hallway to walk through! These are great,colorful,fun and easy.Lucy and Owen did a super job on this craft. I love the way Owen decided to recycle and use the cutouts for his decorations on the butterflies!Smart boy!