Wondering what you meant in your instructions “adding water” may make the glow last longer–do you mean to wet the inside of the jars? or fill them with water? Thanks –love this idea!
Amanda Formarosays
I have tried contacting the crafter that created this and am waiting for her reply. I will update this when I get an answer! 🙂 or you could click through to the actual craft and leave a comment on her post, that may yield a faster reply.
Janice Myersays
I love this site for my church and my younger children. Thank you
a wonderful site 🙂
Wondering what you meant in your instructions “adding water” may make the glow last longer–do you mean to wet the inside of the jars? or fill them with water? Thanks –love this idea!
I have tried contacting the crafter that created this and am waiting for her reply. I will update this when I get an answer! 🙂 or you could click through to the actual craft and leave a comment on her post, that may yield a faster reply.
I love this site for my church and my younger children. Thank you